Our team are on hand 24/7 to not only provide care but to also provide advice and support along with a range of activities or entertainment to suit everyone, nothing is too much trouble.
All our rooms are fully accessible and are tailored with comfort in mind. Of our 54 rooms, 19 benefit from an ensuite and each room is equipped with electric profiling beds, 24hr nurse call bell systems, tv connection points and access to our free Wi-Fi coverage. Our bedrooms vary in size and shape and we are happy for residents to bring their own furniture, if desired and support everyone to surround themselves with any personal items that will make them feel at home and relaxed whilst in our care.
Above all, we feel that it is their home and we want them to feel happy and content with their new environment.
The home has a lovely choice of living spaces giving our residents the choice of where and how they would like to spend their day. Whether that is socialising in our main lounge, after some quiet time in our second lounge or enjoying the scenery in the garden with a cup of tea and one of our fresh homemade cakes.
We are not a locked facility and therefore encourage people to be able to keep their independence and come and go as they please, should they wish to. We also fully support any friends and relatives who wish to take their loved ones out for the day and we will of course assist with this, where possible.
Additionally, we are fortunate enough to work closely with a local businesses and professionals to offer hairdressing, chiropody visits, optician visits and dental appointments, all on a regular basis and without having to leave the home. These services are offered at an additional cost and can be arranged by simply speaking to our office or nursing team.
These are just some of the ways that we try to allow people to live a normal and carefree life and to not feel like they have potentially lost the life they had, before moving into care.
Our experienced kitchen team provide delicious home-style meals from local produce and cater for all preferences and requirements. We take all dietary needs and choices into consideration and adapt our meals accordingly. Menus are designed specifically for our residents and are reviewed by our team at regular intervals to adapt and change to suit everyone.
All residents have the choice where to eat, meals can be enjoyed in the dining room, any of our lounges or in your own room if preferred and our care team are on hand to assist anyone who may need a little help with their meals.
In addition to that, our kitchen team are always prepared, whatever the event or occasion. Whether that’s a buffet for our Christmas events, cream teas throughout the summer or a homemade cake for any birthdays or anniversary's. What's more, we have even had the pleasure of hosting a wedding celebration before.
Are you looking for a residential home that provides dedicated nursing care for elderly people? Then your search ends with Fairholme Care Home. We're based in the heart of Camborne and welcome enquiries from across Cornwall. Contact us today for more details about our facilities.
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